A Memory of a Lion
The greyness of the dawn was broken slightly by pale gold rays.
Like a shadow, dark maned and quiet footed, the mighty lion came padding out of the bush.
Though I was blessed to see this great animal daily, it never ceased to amaze me his beauty and perfection. And for me, its moments like these that bring me such a great joy. Even though the picture isn’t perfectly clear and its a little blurry due to the movement of the lion, I rather appreciate that. Because memories often seem dreamlike. I think this picture depicts that well.
I love to see animals in the earliest hours of dawn or the latest hours of night. They have a different air about them. Something even more wild and pure.
Memories like these stir me to do more. To not simply hold onto a memory as a treasure for myself. I want to inspire others to get out there, to try something new, and to experience these wild moments in nature that have moved me forever. My hope is everyone can have an opportunity to experience this.
Our work with Archangels Project is born from moments like these. But it goes even deeper.
Having worked in conservation, we know there is an unnatural darkness that seeks to destroy what we want to conserve. Poachers. Animal traffickers. Wildlife crime. True cruelty that goes beyond my understanding.
We need to prevent this.
But its not only our wildlife that is under attack and in dire need of rescue.
It is our children. And in particular, children who have no protection. Children who have no guardians. Its children who are leaving orphanages because they are too old to stay there, and now have to figure out a way to survive on their own.
These are the youth who are targeted by traffickers, by gangs, drugs, or even forced into poaching. If no one is there to prevent and protect these kids, their future is often bleak and they are lost and forgotten.
Very similar to the wildlife we are trying to protect, right?
This is where our work comes in.
We are focusing on the youth who need hope, who need an opportunity. We are getting them involved with wildlife conservation and lodge hospitality.
They are gaining skills and experience that will provide them with confidence in themselves as well as an ability to do something great with their lives.
When these children and teens are protected, and they have gained their own strength and hope through wildlife, then wildlife is protected through them.
That is why our project works. That is why we are pushing that THIS IS THE WAY.
To whoever read this…please support us. Please consider donating to us. This is working. But we need help to keep it going.