Kuzuko Girls Trip

With our first trip being a massive success, we had some considering to do with what we wanted to do on the next trip and who we wanted to go on the next trip. There are 15 kids all together at the safehouse, all different ages and sexes. After we considered the situation the children find themselves in, we concluded that we need to focus more of our attention on the older kids, and with the girls being in the majority of the older ones at the safe house, and their interests are less in wildlife and more in lodge hospitality, we decided we would do a “girls trip” this time around.

We had another seat available in the car that we decided to fill with one of the young men that used to be in the safehouse, who has successfully completed an intense course in hotel and catering, and Kuzuko happily agreed to have him come in for a working interview over the weekend.

We coordinated with Kuzuko about the details for the trip and agreed that we would have the girls do a crash course of three departments that are integral to the Lodges functioning: Housekeeping, Front of House (specifically reception), and because the girls on the previous trip enjoyed the restaurant s much we felt it necessary to include that again. With that it was set in stone and the trip began.

All went as planned on Friday morning, the rental arrived the night before, collection of the representative (Mama was not able to attend this time around) from the safehouse was easy and went smoothly, we loaded all the girls' bags and drove to the school to pick up the girls. Thankfully we did not encounter a lot of obstacles or traffic on the way to the lodge. The majority were sleeping the entire way there, but the youngest girl, Igala, was awake the whole time absorbing everything around her because it was her first time to venture into the eastern cape, so the entire experience was new and exciting for her. We were making really good time, but due to the time of the year the sun was setting quicker than we could travel, when we got to the gravel road it was already pitch black, and we still had another hour of travel on gravel road. There is a section that is paved and you can speed up slightly but speeding is not suggested due to stray antelope that wander the surrounding area, and the are unfortunately attracted to the light of the vehicles, we were cautious of them and aware of the danger in the area, but all of our vigilance could not have accounted for the truck in the oncoming lanes lights being so bright. I dimmed my lights and he kindly dimmed his too and as he passed us a Kudu cow jumped out right in front of us and we did just barely miss her. It was a close call and a clear reminder to us and the passengers that we are no longer in town. All that being said we arrived unscathed at the front of lodge reception and were quickly checked in and escorted to the main lodge. We checked into our rooms that were prepared for us, dropped our bags, and headed to the restaurant for dinner, they had prepared a buffet style dinner just for us, we ate chatted and then all of us resigned ourselves to our rooms. We were extremely clear with the briefing we did with the girls that the next day would be filled with hard work, and they should take the night to rest, but we could hear late at night that they did not take the advice, and they were up to the wee hours of the morning laughing and enjoying their time.

We started the morning at 07h00 with breakfast, and following the girls were introduced to the head of the house keeping department Heraldine Swemmer, a bubbly friendly lady that made short work with introductions and ushered the girls to the storeroom so they can collect all the equipment necessary to turn over a room and have it be ready for the next guest's arrival.

We had four rooms to turn around and the first room was quite the chaotic experience. The rooms are large and well equipped but I would struggle to think of a room big enough to have six women scuffling and cleaning, sweeping and wiping, and one man trying to not get in the way while capturing the content, so to say the least it was slight pandemonium. Everyone was trying to do everything the same time and we could all see that this was not going to work. We finished the room and the after inspection was done, it was a job well done, but some tweaks to the team had to be made. We regrouped and had designated teams to do the turnover more smoothly. While the cleaning commenced I heard a shrill come from the bathroom and rushed over to find a petrified girl with a small sun spider, these spiders are harmless and we safely removed it and we continued with the great cleansing. Once we did that even Heraldine was surprised at the speed that the girls worked, but also the attention to detail they all had. The oldest girl, Nyeleti, also took it upon herself to elect herself as team leader and she did a fabulous job telling the rest what to do.

From here it was time to learn about where all the bedding and curtains go to be cleaned. So we all piled into a truck, the girls asked if they could sit in the back, and we headed out into the reserve to go to the laundry room. The girls were loving the ride in the back of the truck, and even got to see some wildlife on the way! They saw a herd of impala and zebra as well.

They found the bumpy drive to be very funny and sang many songs all the way down.

We arrived at the laundry room and the ladies gave the girls an overview of how the large washing machines work and the work that goes into getting everything cleaned to the highest standard. The girls also go to help out with ironing the high quality bed sheets to perfect. They really enjoyed all of this and did a great job! The ladies who taught them were very good teachers and showed great attention to detail.

Driving back the lodge was filled with music once more, and the girls loved every second of the drive. They had much laughter and much singing.

We then went to the reception where we were met with Pumeza Mbunge and Mr. Clifford Zono where we were shown the ins and the outs of receiving guests and proper protocol for complaints (all complaints to be given to Mr. Zono). The girls were excited because they had been presented with an opportunity to checkin the guests into room and show them around the lodge just like the employees would. They took the chance on with full gusto and did a fantastic job at being professional and approachable and welcoming to the new arrivals, Igala, the youngest, is such a champ and a definite peoples person and took to the socializing effortlessly. For Buchu, the shyest girl who struggles in social encounters, she put that to the side and very impressively stepped out of her comfort zone to do the task required of her, and we were so proud of her for doing it so well.

Next was the restaurant section of the workday. The girls that had done it before effortlessly mentored the youngest in the skills they learned previously, and showed their attention to detail that is so important and difficult to teach, but they had no problem (these kids are so impressive and capable, we cannot say it enough). All the employees were commenting about the number of details the girls retained from just one visit, but little did they know that the girls have been practicing one their own since then.

The final task of the day was to make hot beverages for all the guests that had arrived. Here was were Nyeleti shined most, as barista work has become her passion. She learned a few new drinks, like Americano and espresso, and Buchu and Igala happily took over the serving of the drinks. They all worked very well as a team.

All said it was a great day and the young ladies did seem to enjoy it a lot. Every opportunity they were presented with was met with enthusiasm and willingness to learn. And of course they loved the chance to go play on the Marimbas.

It was a wonderful evening filled with conversation and laughter about what they had done the day, all three girls are so excited for the next chance they can go help out at the lodge.

We were joined for dinner by the young man who had accompanied us and he was excited to tell us how well his day had gone. He had worked and trained next to the head chef all day and had really impressed him with his work ethic. And he was told that they want to have him come back to continue more training and do an internship! This was a HUGE opportunity for him, and we cannot thank Kuzuko Lodge enough for the chance they have given this young man.

The next morning started with breakfast, coffee and prospects of finding lions on a game drive. We were met by Freddie, and he took us out on the reserve in the morning, accompanied with warm ponchos, we set off to find the lions. It did not take long because Freddie is extremely knowledgeable on the area and the movements of the big kitties and we were in a close loc with 4 lions. We enjoyed the lazy lions as they sunbathed, and it was a beautiful drive. We were, however, pressed on time, so we headed back to the lodge for packed snacks and off we went back home.

It was a highly successful trip, and one that has provided these young lives with hope and opened their minds to possibilities for their future…we are excited for the next excursion!


Kuzuko Trip #3


Kuzuko Lodge Mentorship Excursion